
Reports can be exported to two different file types: Excel and CSV. The export button will show your last used export type as the "default" option. You can

Create an export


The Excel export recreates the generated report and turns it into an Excel sheet.

  1. Click on Export.

  2. Select Report table (xlsx).

  3. The file will get downloaded to your computer right away.


The CSV export will contain the individual time entries that are used in the generated report. These can be used for, for example, further calculations, custom graphs and more.

The exports will be retained and available for download for 30 days.

  1. Click on Export.

  2. Select Time entries (CSV).

  3. Select a timezone.

  4. Select a time format.

  5. Toggle the columns that should be included using the checkboxes.

  6. Click on Export.

  7. In the upper right menu, a spinner should appear on the download button. When the download has finished, a check should be visible.

  8. Click on the download button.

  9. Find your download. When it has finished, click on Download.

  10. The file will get downloaded to your computer right away.

Last updated