Confluence pages

Adding Confluence pages to companies, contacts and sales

This information is only relevant if Atlas CRM - Customers in Confluence is installed.

You can link companies, contacts and sales from Atlas CRM to Confluence pages, providing context to and giving you easy access to information.

To link a company, contact or sale to a page:

  • Open a page in Confluence

  • Open the Atlas CRM menu under the title of the page

  • Use the Add button to add a company, contact or sale to the page

  • Companies, contacts and sales that you have recently used will be shown at the top. If you scroll further down, you will find all options that are available. You can also search by typing the first few letters.

Open, edit and remove

The companies, contacts and sales in the Atlas CRM menu of your page are not just there to provide context. You can interact with them from the menu. You can open them by clicking on its name.

Pages overview

Linking a company, contact or sale to a page gives you context inside the page. But you might also be interested in an overview of all pages that are linked. This is what the overview pages are for.

To find the pages overview:

  • Open a company, contact or sale.

  • Click on 'Pages' in the menu on the left.

Last updated