Release notes

2.1 Beta iteration; Integrations are here! 🧪

2023-05-16 - We added integrations to let you automate you're workflow in based on merge request or branch changes.

  • Added integrations:

    • When ANY associated merge request is (re)opened in this connected project, change status of the associated item to something

    • When ANY associated merge request is merge in this connect project, change status of the associated item to something

    • When ALL associated merge requests are merged in this connected project, change status of the associated item to something

    • When an associated branch is created in this connected project, change status of the associated item to something

  • Added Integration Error Handling

  • Added email notification when an access token will expires in 14 days

  • Added copy to clipboard action for GitLab CI commands

  • Improved input validation for the GitLab Self-Managed public URL

2.0 Beta iteration 🧪

2023-04-21 - A first iteration to our revamped GitLab integration sees the light of day. What's added:

  • Fully supporting Dark mode 🖤

  • App settings

  • Audit logging

  • Managing board to GitLab project connections

  • Uninterrupted access token renewal

2.0 Beta launch 🧪

2023-03-28 - Today marks the beginning of the revamp of our GitLab integration. We've learned that a lot of you are longing for a GitLab integration that support your Self-managed environment. With the renewal of our app this is now supported as well. In the upcoming period we'll be adding lots more, like an Audit log, Data residency settings, creating issues, and new integrations you can use to automate your workflow. During this beta phase we'll also phase out all current integrations. These can no longer be added, but the ones already configured will keep working. If you have feedback for us, please let us know by contacting us.

Last updated