Web signup flow

This is an example of how the app can add value to your Atlassian environment if you have a saas product where users can signup in real time.

TLDR; You have a product where users can sign up for online. You add users to your Jira just in case they want to contact you when something goes wrong. If you want that user to be able to login to Jira when something goes wrong in the first minute of trialing your product, just add a few lines of code to force Jira to know about your user.

Use case

You have a product where people can sign up online. It's an easy way to trial your product. You know that sometimes people get confused and need your help. That's why you setup a Jira instance where issues can be created. It's really important that a new user can access that Jira right away, because help is often required within the first few minutes of looking around and questions are asked immediately or never at all. The problem is that when you have Jira setup to sync users from the directory that you use to register the signup it may take a while for Jira to start that sync. The default setting for the interval is 1 hour (60 minutes!).


Add a couple of lines of code to your application that tells Jira about a new signup and forces a sync.

String endPoint = "https://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories/2/actions/sync";
HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(endPoint);
postRequest.setHeader("Authorization", "..");

This way the user will be able to use your Jira immediately and not be frustrated about your service desk as well.

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