Documents the REST API for the User Directory API app


You should authenticate as a user with administrator credentials. To use Basic Authentication with the API, send the username and password associated with the account.

For example, if you’re accessing the API via cURL, the following command would authenticate you if you replace 'admin' with your username. cURL will prompt you to enter the password.

curl -u admin https://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories

For simplicity sake, we will not repeat the authentication for the resources below.

List directories

GET https://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories/

This endpoint lists all the directories that are available in the host product. Note that not all directories are syncable, for example the internal directory. This is indicated by the attribute synchronisable.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "JIRA Internal Directory",
    "type": "INTERNAL",
    "description": "JIRA default internal directory",
    "synchronisable": false

Sync a directory

POST https://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories/:id/actions/sync?blocking=false

Request a directory to start syncing immediately.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "message": "synchronisation started in the background"

OR when blocking is true:

  "message": "synchronisation finish"

Bitbucket Server doesn’t like synchronous calls. See BSERV-7073 and BSERV-7070.

List users in a specific directory

GET https://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories/:id/users

Lists the users in a specific directory. A maximum of 100 users is returned. If there are more users, the response will contain a key named 'next', the value is a url that points to the next 'page' of results. A cursor value denotes the position in the list of users where the current call left off.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "next": "http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/nl-avisi-sync-add-on/1.0/directories/10000/users?cursor=eyJzdGFydCI6Mn0%3D",
  "items": [
      "name": "gerstree",
      "displayName": "Gert-Jan van de Streek"
      "name": "fatdemir",
      "displayName": "Fatih Demir"

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