October 3rd, 2022

Lots of new diagram types, syntax highlighting, administration tools and more.

This update to Git for Confluence is one to be excited for. Let's dive into what has been added with this release.

New diagram types

We have added support for many diagram types in this release. You will now see beautiful images when adding git files to your Confluence page that contain one of these new formats.

BlockDiag, BMPN, ERD, Ditaa, Pikchr, Bytefield, SVGBob, NomNoml, Umlet, Vega, Vega-Lite, WaveDrom, Excalidraw.

A complete overview of all diagram types that are now available can be found on this page.

Syntax highlighting and line numbers

Embedding source code in Confluence will now present the code with better styling. For many languages there will be syntax highlighting available making the source code easier to read. Line numbers are available as well, which will make it easier to make specific references to parts of your code when writing documentation in Confluence.

Administration overview

We have added an overview of all private files that have been shared across your Confluence instance. Besides the benefit of having an overview of what is being shared, you can also perform actions such as migrating consent when someone leaves your organisation.

Read more about this use case here.

Last updated