
Failed displaying a file

You might have reached this page by visiting this link in this image. There are several things that could have gone wrong in this picture. This is what you can try to resolve this issue first.

Git provider outage

It could be possible that the Git provider where your file is stored, is unavailable. You can check their status here:




Azure Devops

Wrong render format selected

If you're rendering a diagram, it could be that the content of the file does not contain a valid format for this diagram type. It could be that we have automatically detected a certain diagram type but it failed to render it that way. Try to edit the macro and change the Render Format under the section Display Options to another format.

Github: No access to private file

A common oversight when allowing Git for Confluence to access Github on your behalf is to also allow access to repositories from organisations.

Here is how you can fix it:

  1. Edit the Confluence Macro to stop sharing the file on your behalf.

  2. Refresh the Confluence page with the Confluence Macro on it.

  3. Edit the macro and you will be asked to authorize with Github again.

  4. Pay close attention to the organisations at the bottom of the consent screen. Allow access to the organisations where you want to share files from.

Sharing a root folder

To get the URL of a root folder some steps are needed unique to each Git provider. If the Git provider isn't detailed, it works without any additional steps.

Navigate to the repository before starting these steps.


  • Select the main branch in the branches dropdown

  • Als do this if the main branch is selected by default, this will change the URL

  • The URL should now include '.../tree/main'


  • Method A: Select the root directory next to the branches dropdown

  • Method B: Navigate to a different branch and back to the main branch

  • The URL should now include '.../-/tree/main'

Azure DevOps

  • Navigate to a different branch and back to the main branch

  • The URL should now include '...?path=%2F&version=GBmain'

If that did not resolve your issue, please reach out to us in our service desk.

Last updated