Git for Confluence Cloud

Welcome to the documentation of Git for Confluence Cloud

100% up-to-date Git content in Confluence. Share Git files on your behalf using OAuth. Render markdown, plantuml, svg and more.

Share Git content in an easy and secure way

Securely share Git files with Confluence users, even those who don't have access to the git repository. Connect your Git provider with Confluence and share content on your behalf.

Easily embed up-to-date content from git

Don’t worry about outdated Git content in Confluence! Simply paste the link of the Git file to embed it in a Confluence page. The Git for Confluence macro syncs automatically. You’ll always view the latest version of your source code.

Automatically render diagrams

Automatically visualize markdown, SVG, plantUML and other file types. We will support more formats in the near future.

If you are looking for the documentation for Git for Confluence for Server and Data Center, you can find it here: Documentation for Git for Confluence Server / Data Center

An overview of this documentation


How to get started with the app

How to use the app

How the share Git files using the Share Git file macro

Git support

Available Git providers and supported file types

Last updated