
New customer interaction functions and other improvements.

Customer interaction functions

  • Delete topics: when a conversation with a customer has ended, you can delete this topic.

  • Rename topic title: with an inline edit the topic title can be edited.

Communication template

New to this version: a communication template. In the "manage app" settings in your Jira instance you can change the template of a new customer interaction. Add fields and sections to create the template you would like to see in the communication overview. More info on how to edit templates can be found here.

Other improvements

Quick search in company/contact/sale overview

In the company, contact or sale overview you can easily search for names. Search for example for "ABC" and all companies or contacts containing "ABC" will be shown.

Improved linked issues table

The table with all issues linked to a company/contact/sale has two new functionalities.

1 Filter issues

The issues can be filtered on the project, the issue type and the issue status. For example: you can easily filter all linked issues with status "To do".

2 Sort issues

Next to filtering, issues can also be sorted based on all fields in the table. Sort on the date created or the due date of all issues.

Last updated